ITS OPEN SUNDAY!!! =D . for my church la. haha. i woke up at,11+? .watched soccer yesterday, so i dint go for morning worship. leo mum bought us chicken rice,then after me n leo ate we faster hurry to church to prepare for open sunday.

this month's open sunday its our cg turn to organize activities,me n leo doin dodgeball. the ting starts at 1.45,when we reached there it was like only 1-.- .lots of time to set up n stuffs. saw jules zack n renfred at the parade square nxt to the church,they setting up the human-sized table soccer court. jules told me to get strings n tape,so i was like running up down in out of the church. setting up my court was easy,jus tape here tape dere . a few mins later,the whole ting started. it was me n leo's 1st time doing sumtin in open sunday,so jules helped out in our section. so we jus briefly explain the rules and the cgs play against each other. some play until very "chou", some in hilarious way,theres this guy tat did a bicycle kick = =.

the whole ting ended at 5pm,then every1 gathered,talked about som stuffs,have refreshments,then go home lor..
im gonna finish dong feng po soon,i can read some notes myself =D


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